Flash Android 13 on Retroid Pocket MINI
Hey, fans and subscribers, this is your host, Joe, from the GamingForInsight channel with a written guide (below) to flashing your Retroid Pocket MINI with Android 13.
When initially released the Retroid Pocket MINI (referred to in the guide as MINI) came with Android 11. You may want to experience Android 13 on the MINI and as of January 2025 Android 13 became available for it; however, there is a setup required for you to do to get Android 13 flashed onto your MINI. With this guide, you can approach flashing Android 13 onto your MINI. This guide is not intended as a recommendation to upgrade to Android 13 on your MINI (as I have not tested performance with Android 13 myself on my MINI as of publishing this guide), but instead, I am making this guide available if you want to do so for your purposes.
Please ensure that you follow all the steps in this guide. I caution against feeling at liberty to skip steps to hasten the process. Please post a comment on my video – shown below – via YouTube with any questions or feedback from my guide; my video on YouTube serves as an overview of the below-detailed guide. In this guide, you will find additional details not covered in the video. Any updates following when this guide was initially published (following 02/04/25) will be cataloged in the Change Log (bottom) part of the guide.
Table of Contents
Part 2 - Download the Essential Files
Part 3 - Extraction and Installation of Essential Files
Part 3A - Extract Primary Files/Folders
Part 3B - Install Qualcomm Device Driver
Part 3C - Extract Secondary File/Folder
Part 3D - Install QPST & Discovered System Requirements
Part 3E - Confirm Presence of prog_firehose_ddr.elf
Part 4 - Prepare for The Flash
Part 4A - Open QFIL Application
Part 4B - Set Configuration Setting & Select Build Type
Part 4C - Access Browse of Programmer Path
Part 4E - Confirm QFIL Application Selections
Part 4F - Precautionary Measure
Part 5A - Note for Continuing the Flash
Part 5B - Remove Micro-SD from MINI
Part 5C - Initiate Factory Reset on Mini
Part 5D - Connect USB Cable to MINI and Device (For Flashing)
Part 5E - Access “Select Port…”
Part 6B - Android 13 Setup & Joystick Calibration
What You Need
Retroid Pocket MINI Handheld:
Android 13 Installation Files: The original source of this link is:, a link to a post from the official X account for Retroid Pocket Official.
7-Zip (64-bit Windows x64 download-direct): (also, reference to download for additional systems:
A choice of browser (e.g. Google Chrome)
A device with Windows 11 Pro (I have not tried another version of Windows with this process); I have not tried Linux or Mac OS either with this process.
Extract or save any information on the MINI that you want to return to it after flashing it. Flashing the MINI will wipe it, and nothing that you have saved on your MINI will be saved after the flashing. It is convenient to try and move what you want to save onto your micro-SD card if there is local storage to spare. Some areas that you might want to consider making a note of or creating a separate backup for are as follows for items locally saved on your MINI (i.e., not on the micro-SD card used in it):
Files within save locations for emulators (e.g., Vita3k)
Files within the save location or BIOS location for RetroArch List of emulators you have installed.
Settings you have applied within Android settings to remember for the next setup (after flashing).
Any installations for emulators you have downloaded from Github or other repositories.
My Setup Used
beCreatus GR10 Steam Deck Dock | USB4 Mobile Docking Station: (non-affiliate link)
Minisforum V3 (not V3 SE): (non-affiliate link)
Google Chrome Version 132.0.6834.160 (Official Build) (64-bit):
Windows 11 Pro (version 23H2).
USB A to USB C cable that came with Retroid Pocket MINI
ROG Gaming Charger Dock (used w/ Minisforum V3): (non-affiliate link)
Part 1 - Preparation
I used my Minisforum V3 3-in-1 (referred to in the guide as V3) device with Windows 11 and had my beCreative dock connected (using the USB-A port to connect the USB cable for the MINI). Don’t connect your MINI yet to your device of choice until later in this guide. You will need a device separate from the MINI to prepare the flash (that will connect to the MINI to execute). This device of choice will need a USB Type A port to connect the MINI. Using Windows with a device of choice will make completing each step in this guide more approachable.
You will need to download and install 7-Zip (reference What You Need for the download page) in your choice of browser. You will use 7-Zip to extract compressed files you download for the flashing process, which is an essential step. Depending on your browser settings, the file of choice clicked or selected will download to Downloads on your local drive. You will then left-click that download for a window with a prompt to select how to install 7-Zip.
Part 2 - Download the Essential Files
Once 7-Zip is downloaded and installed, you will access and download the Android 13 Installation Files in your browser (reference What You Need for links to both sources). On the upper right-hand corner of the Google Drive page, left-click the option “Download all”. The following details are about the download experience.
You will see in the bottom right corner of the Google Drive page a small area/window emerge that shows a downloading preparing for “Zipping 1 file” and a circle slowly showing it is loading to the right of that text.
Once that circle completes loading, you may see a prompt (depending on your browser preferences and version) to allow or block the download of multiple compressed or zipped files.
If you want to continue with this process and guide (and you feel comfortable), you must left-click “Allow” for that message.
You will, then, see the download for two compressed folders/files, compressed archives, or folders/files that show as compressed (zipped): “RPMINI Android 13” and “RPMini_A13_20250121-001” (NOTE: the names might have some slight differentiation in the name).
This total download may take more time than expected; I used a WiFi connection on my LAN with an approximate 900 Mb/s bandwidth, and the download took approximately 5 minutes.
Part 3 - Extraction and Installation of Essential Files
Part 3A - Extract Primary Files/Folders
Upon completion, you will have shown two compressed files in your browser’s download location: “RPMINI Android 13” and “RPMini_A13_20250121-001” (NOTE: the names might have some slight differentiation in the name). Make sure you are keeping a mental note of where your files are located on your device of choice as this is going to be essential to know later. Right-click each of these folders (I chose to do so one at a time), left-click “Show More Options,” hover over 7-Zip, and left-click “Extract Here”; this step will begin decompressing the two compressed folder locations (referred to in this guide as extracted). Continuing with this guide, we will begin working with the files within both extracted folders/files.
Part 3B - Install Qualcomm Device Driver
Left-click the extracted folder “RPMini Android 13 Software” (or similar name) and, then, left-click on the file (i.e., application) “qualcomm_hsusb_drv_1013_64111”. A window with the title “Device Driver Installation Wizard” will emerge. Left-click “Next” to continue. The driver will now be installed. This application is a software driver that allows for the communication of a device, the MINI in this case, for flashing with firmware, a part of the Android 13 flash process in this case (reference: The software driver completed it for me after a few seconds; you can left-click “Finish” to exit the window for the software driver installation.
Part 3C - Extract Secondary File/Folder
Next, in the same extracted folder location (i.e., “RPMINI Android 13 Software” or a similar name), right-click on the extracted file “ 1.” Follow the same process to extract the file using 7-Zip (“Show More Options,” “7-Zip,” then “Extract Here”). Four files emerged for me: QpstServer, QPST_MergeModule.msm, QPST.2.7.495.1, and BuildProducts.
Part 3D - Install QPST & Discovered System Requirements
Next, left-click on “QPST.2.7.495.1” (one of the newly generated files done from extracting “ 1” in Part 3C). This application identifies any additional requirements your system needs for the flashing process we initiate in this guide. For my system, I needed Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistribution Package (x86) and VC++ 2013 Redistributable Package (x86). The following details outline the remaining part of the extraction and installation involved with QPST 2.7.
If you are agreeable with the installation of these requirements, then left-click “Install,” and the installation of those requirements will begin with extraction and installation of the requirements and installation of QPST 2.7. I saw three different windows for IntallShield Wizard (QPST 2.7) emerge during the extraction part of this installation.
After that, an option to left-click on “Next>” will emerge; left-clicking will continue the installation process for QPST 2.7.
Next, there is an option for a License Agreement; if you agree with the terms, then left-click the radio dial “I accept the terms in the license agreement” and then left-click “Next>.” You will then see the destination location of the installation in the next part of the installation process; I recommend not changing this location. To continue the installation, select “Next>”.
The next part of the installation is to select whether to install a complete or custom installation; the default selection is the complete installation. I recommend keeping the selected option for a complete installation.
The next part of the installation will prompt you to execute the installation; left-click “Install,” and the installation will ensue.
Once the installation of QPST 2.7 is completed, you can left-click “Finish” to close out the completed installation.
Part 3E - Confirm Presence of prog_firehose_ddr.elf
Next, return to where your browser downloads are located (reference Part 2). Left-click the folder “RPMini_A13_2050121”. Check to confirm you have the file “prog_firehose_ddr.elf” (size is 660 KB), as if you do not have this file at this point in the guide, you cannot continue with the flashing process.
Part 4 - Prepare for The Flash
Part 4A - Open QFIL Application
To access the QFIL application, go to the start menu and search bar. I typed "qfil" (lowercase), and it was the first option in "Best Match" within the start menu search bar. Left-click the QFIL application (that has a green-filled color circle with a downward arrow). For me, a command terminal came up for a matter of seconds and then disappeared before a window emerged for the QFIL application.
Part 4B - Set Configuration Setting & Select Build Type
Left-click "Configuration" in the upper blue menu (to the left of "Help" and then to the right of "Tools" find the QFIL text in the upper right-hand corner of the window and go right). Left-click "Firehose Configuration" (within the drop-down menu for "Configuration"). Another window will emerge with options for the Download Configuration. Left-click the options for "Device Type" (middle left-hand side of the window). The option "emmc" was selected by default; if this is the case for you, then we want to change this option to "ufs" instead. Left-click "OK" after changing the option for "Device Type" to "ufs". You now have set the Configuration Setting. Next you must select the Build Type.
At this point, you will have returned to the original QFIL application window. Move your cursor up to "Select Build Type" and left-click the radio button for "Flat Build." "Meta Build" was selected by default – you need to change this to "Flat Build" instead.
Part 4C - Access Browse of Programmer Path
Next, left-click “Browse…” below “Select Port…” and on the other side of the text, “Select Programmer”; left-click this option, “Browse…”, to specify the “Programmer Path.” You will see a window emerge for the file directory path. Navigate to where your extracted essential files were placed during Part 3A of this guide (for me, this is “Downloads” based on my browser setting for Google Chrome). Left click “RPMini_A13_20250121” (if no folder is showing, you likely are not working with an extracted file/folder and will need to return to Part 3A of this guide); once in this folder select to open or left click twice the ELF file “prog_firehose_ddr.elf” (reference Part 3E). The file directory window will disappear (since the file was selected), and you will return to the original QFIL window and notice that the “Programmer Path” is specified with the file directory path corresponding to the ELF file selected. You will also notice that “Select Flat Build” for its “Search Path” has a file directory path specified for “RPMini_A13_20250121” as well.
Part 4D - Access Load XML
Navigate to “Load XML” and left-click it. A window of the file directory will emerge. Select (CTRL A or drag a box around all of the specified files) for the following XML files: rawprogram1.xml, rawprogram2.xml, rawprogram3.xml, rawprogram4.xml, rawprogram5.xml, and rawprogram_unsparse0.xml; these files were the only ones to select at this point of the process. Once the XML files detailed are selected, then left click “Open.” Don’t turn away from the screen just yet. Another window for the file directory very quickly emerges with options for selecting additional XML files. Do not cancel this part of the process. Select (CTRL A or drag a box around all of the specified files) for the following XML files: patch0.xml, patch1.xml, patch2.xml, patch3.xml, patch4.xml, patch5.xml; these files were the only ones to select at this point of the process. Left-click “Open” once you select those specified XML files. The file directory window will close, and you will see that for Raw Program and Patch in the box under Rawprogram and Patch, XML files are listed (these are the ones just selected at this point in the guide).
Part 4E - Confirm QFIL Application Selections
Do not use this part of the guide to expedite the QFIL configuration process for flashing, as this part of the guide is only meant to summarize what you have selected thus far.
Please review the steps you have taken thus far for Part 4. Four integral areas of the flashing process require the following:
The “Select Build Type” is set to “Flat Build”.
Programmer Path to specify a file location for the file “prog_firehose_ddr.elf”
Search Path to specify a file location for the file “RPMini_A13_20250121”.
Rawprogram and Patch files to include all specified to select in Part 4. Those are (12 total): rawprogram1.xml, rawprogram2.xml, rawprogram3.xml, rawprogram4.xml, rawprogram5.xml, and rawprogram_unsparse0.xml; and, patch0.xml, patch1.xml, patch2.xml, patch3.xml, patch4.xml, patch5.xml.
Part 4F - Precautionary Measure
Do not execute the flashing process (yet). Continue to Part 5.
Part 5 - The Flash
Part 5A - Note for Continuing the Flash
This part of the guide focuses on ensuring that your MINI is ready for the flashing process of Android 13. Take another moment to ensure that there is nothing that you want to note or save that is locally stored on your MINI (i.e., not on the micro-SD card used in it). Prepare your MINI to power down fully. You will want to ensure you have closed out any necessary applications or software on the MINI. You also may want to ensure you have moved any data or files you want to have saved onto the micro-SD. Once the MINI is powered down, then continue to the next part of this guide.
Part 5B - Remove Micro-SD from MINI
Remove the micro-SD card from the MINI (only if you have one inserted into the device) as a precautionary measure.
Part 5C - Initiate Factory Reset on Mini
Next, hold down the Volume -, Volume +, and Power buttons simultaneously to prepare the device for five seconds (I said the number and then “Mississippi”). This step initiates a factory reset. The screen on the MINI will stay off during this part of the process (a similar process is done for installing the firmware on the Retroid Pocket Flip).
Part 5D - Connect USB Cable to MINI and Device (For Flashing)
Connect the USB cable to the MINI and the other end to the device you are initiating the flash. I am using the cable provided to me with the MINI. Reference My Setup Used for additional details on what you can use for this guide.
Part 5E - Access “Select Port…”
Return to the device you set up the flash to initiate from in the previous parts of this guide. Looking at the QFIL window (if it has remained open for you on your device since completing Part 4), left-click on “SelectPort…” located on the upper left-hand side right below the minimize button of the window. At this time looking at the QFIL main window the text to the left of the button, “SelectPort…” states, “Please select an Existing Port”; this text will change in a moment. Upon left-clicking that button/option, you will see a window emerge prompting you to select a port with the title “Select Port,” and “Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM3).” It is the only option listed to select; it is my understanding that this port is the MINI itself. Ensure that “Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM3)” is highlighted, which would be in blue color (with white text). Left-click “OK” after selecting the option. You will return to the QFIL main window. Ensure that the text to the left of “SelectPort…” now reads “Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM3).” If the port is not specified to “Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM3)”, then you need to try again.
Part 5F - Commence Download
Left-click “Download” below the “Load XML…” button, and the flash will commence on the MINI. The screen on the MINI will remain off (no image). The flash process for me took 5.5 minutes approximately. When I scrolled down in the details for “Status,” I saw that the very two last comments (scroll downward) listed were “Download Succeed” and “Finish Download”. The details may differ from the ones displayed for me, but convey success importantly if all is done correctly.
Part 6 - Hello Android 13
Part 6A - Power On Device
Return to your MINI. Remove the connected USB cord. You can now turn on your MINI. For me to power on my MINI, I had to hold down the power button twice – once for 15 seconds and another time for 6 seconds until it powered on for me (I said the number and then “Mississippi” to count).
Part 6B - Android 13 Setup & Joystick Calibration
You will now commence with setting up your MINI with Android 13. The following are prompts you will receive during this process. Use the buttons and/or touch interface (I had to use a combination) for the setup.
Welcome screen
Select Language
Connect to the Internet (NOTE: text in white color with RED highlight emerged during this process prompting for joystick calibration)
Joystick Calibration (separate prompt to execute this during setup). You will also calibrate L1, L2, R1, R2, L3, and R3. I started with Ls and Rs, then joysticks, then L3 and R3; however, there is a particular order you need to follow as long as you follow the prompts.
Select your time zone
Enable or Disable Google Play Services
Choice to preinstall apps
Select launcher type (NOTE: I recommend ASOP launcher to get started with installing emulators and a front-end).
Confirm configuration completion
Part 6C - Confirm Flash Success
You can now confirm that you have Android 13 installed on your MINI following the flash process. Select the Settings icon on the Android home screen (far left-hand side). Select “About handheld console.” Navigate down until you see “Android Version,” and there it should say “13” to confirm further that the flash process was indeed successful.
You can now continue with customizing your MINI and setting it up to your preference now with Android 13.